Caching and Parsing Astronotes ∞

Before parsing the Astronote contents it’s necessary to download the notes into a local cache to avoid redownloading every time you wish to parse them and (reduces strain placed on the TNS). Before you begin make sure you have set up the astronote-cache setting in the settings file (see initalisation instructions).

In the spirit of fair-usage the downloader will pause for 1 second in-between each individual note download.

From the Command-Line ∞

To cache the notes run the command:

transientNamer notes <reportedInLastDays>

So to cache notes from the last 10 days run transientNamer notes 10.

To also parse and import the cached notes into 3 MySQL database tables (astronotes_content, astronotes_keywords, astronotes_transients) run the same command but with the --import flag:

transientNamer --import notes <reportedInLastDays>

This will cause all unseen notes in the cache directory to be parsed and added to the database.

From Python Script ∞

To download the notes from the last 30 days use the following snippet.

from transientNamer import astronotes
an = astronotes(
downloadCount =
    cache_dir=settings["astronote-cache"], inLastDays=30)
print(f"{downloadCount} new astronotes downloaded and cached")

And to then parse the notes to the database tables add:
