
The easiest way to install transientNamer is to use pip (here we show the install inside of a conda environment):

conda create -n transientNamer python=3.7 pip
conda activate transientNamer
pip install transientNamer

Or you can clone the github repo and install from a local version of the code:

git clone
cd transientNamer
python install

To upgrade to the latest version of transientNamer use the command:

pip install transientNamer --upgrade

To check installation was successful run transientNamer -v. This should return the version number of the install.


If you wish to make use of the tools that allow interaction with a MySQL database you have to have MySQL/Maria DB server installed and access to a database. Credentials to the database are to be added to the settings file (see initialisation).

You also need to install PyMySQL into your conda environment via:

conda install pymysql


If you want to tinker with the code, then install in development mode. This means you can modify the code from your cloned repo:

git clone
cd transientNamer
python develop

Pull requests are welcomed!